Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I/my child take a trial class?
A: Unfortunately, we do not offer trial lessons. 1. Due to insurance requirements, we are unable to offer you a trial class without payment. 2. Our beginning levels often fill-up and we are unable to accommodate extra skaters who may or may not remain in the program. You are more than welcome to come observe a class from the stands/bleachers during our regular class times to see what the classes involve, however you may not go out on the ice. We also offer Public Skating (view our Schedule tab) which is a great way to try skating before deciding to sign-up for a lesson.
Q: Are ice skates available?
A: Yes, ice skates are available for a rental fee during your skating lessons. The skates must be returned at the end of each class. If you have not worn skates before, please arrive at least 20 minutes early to your first class to make sure you have enough time to find skates that fit properly. The cost is $30.00 for the entire session and is non-refundable for any reason.
Q: Do I need to buy ice skates?
A: You do NOT need to buy skates. You are welcome to rent skates that are available at the rink during classes. We do, however, recommend consulting your Skating Director as your child progresses to find out when the appropriate time is to invest in the skater’s own equipment. We rent sizes from Youth 8 through Adult Men's 14.
If you do wish to pursue purchasing skates of your own, please consult our GUIDE TO BUYING SKATES for figure skates, or for those looking for hockey skates, visit our in house pro-shop B&R SPORTS for a fitting.
Q: Can my child use double bladed skates during class?
A: NO! Double-bladed skates do not let your child learn to skate just like training wheels on a bike don't teach a child to ride. With 2 parallel blades they cannot use the edges of the skates and that is what allows them to learn all the skills required for ice skating.
Q: The ice skates hurt my feet. What should I do?
A: Ice skates do not feel like shoes and are known to feel tight and stiff when first learning to skate. If you try a pair of skates and they are pinching your feet or causing them to cramp, please try a different/larger pair. The skates should not be so big that your feet move around inside the skate and should be snug on your foot without pain. We also recommend wearing thin socks that reach above the top of the boot. Lastly, check with a coach or the Skating Director and make sure you’re tying your skates properly.
Q: What should I/my child wear to ice skating class?
A: For everyone, we recommend wearing warm but loose-fitting clothing that allows for ease of movement. Long pants (preferably not denim; consider snow pants or a fabric that is water resistant), a light sweatshirt and gloves/mittens are the perfect combination. Layers are also a great option! The rinks are cool inside, but not cold.
Q: What type of skates should my new skater use?
A: Typically, we find that beginning very young skaters in figure skates is easier for them. The blade on a figure skate has less curvature than a hockey blade and balance is easier to attain for a little one who isn’t quite steady on their feet. Having said that, every child is different and some will find the process equally fun and can progress just fine using a hockey skate when they’re starting their skating journey. The most important part as a parent is to be open-minded about any advice you may receive from your instructor or the Skating Director about what might work best for your child. If your child is excited to skate and you want to foster that excitement, make it your priority that they learn to love it. Wearing a figure skate when they are 3 will not prevent a skater from going to the NHL just as wearing a hockey skate will not prevent them from learning a double axel down the line. Help them enjoy the process by finding what works!
Q: Are helmets required?
A: We STRONGLY recommend wearing a helmet, but we do not require wearing one. A winter sports helmet (i.e. a helmet for sledding, snowboarding, skiing, etc.) is the best option because they protect more of the back of the head than a bike helmet. These helmets are available at most sporting goods stores. If you do not have access to a winter sports helmet, the next best option is a bike helmet that fits the head correctly without slipping forward or back. Unfortunately, if you forget to bring a helmet, the Suburban Skating School is NOT able to lend you one due to insurance liabilities.